Don't WOKE West Virginia!

Last Session, Senator Craig Blair and over half of the West Virginia State Legislators voted to give Bill Gates and his Far-Left wing radicals $300 Million Dollars of YOUR MONEY to come to our State.

Now Blair is working with yet more liberals to bring their companies, and WOKE policies to destroy our culture of life.

Sign our Petition to Don’t Woke West Virginia Today!

As you know, Bill Gates has a long history of anti-gun and pro-trangender activism.

The last thing we need is the State Legislature, led by Blair, to import more left wing nuts into West Virginia….with YOUR MONEY.

Enough is enough! We must end the Woke Slush Fund run by the Department of Economic Development now.

Do you want your money funding anti-gun and trangender workers to come to West Virginia?

If not, sign our petition below and then share it with your friends and family.  If you do not, in less than a decade the WOKE left will take over our state..paid for by you!


We the Undersigned demand that the West Virginia State Legislature stops giving out corporate welfare; and

We demand that not another single dime of our money to used for crony-capitalism; and

We instead demand the return of every single dime to the hard working citizens of West Virginia; and

We pledge to hold accountable at the voting booth any and all elected officials that vote for any more handouts, corporate welfare or work to bring far-left radicals and their agenda to our state.